Relativistic Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy Group

GARRA, the Relativistic Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy Group at the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR), was founded in April 2000 on the basis of collaborations extending since 1993, and with the objective to further the studies on relativistic astrophysics and cosmology in Argentina. The group also includes researchers and students from other institutions, notably the Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas of the University of La Plata.
Members CollaboratorsRESEARCH INTERESTS

The group works over many topics in current astrophysics: compact objects, i.e. pulsars, black holes, exotic stars; X-ray astrophysics: supernova remnants and X-ray binaries; gamma-ray astronomy: unidentified sources, gamma-ray bursts, sources of high-energy cosmic rays; massive stars; gravitation and cosmology. Some members also do research in foundations of science.
List of topics Publications BooksACADEMIC ACTIVITIES

Graduate and undergraduate courses on different topics of astronomy and astrophysics are given by members of GARRA. In general, these courses are developed at the Facultad de Cs. Astronómicas y Geofísicas,UNLP.
Available Courses Outreach activitiesPICTURES GALLERY

Pictures of GARRA members and friends at different activities since group's creation.
Several members of GARRA participate on international observational projects, such as GEMINI, The Cherenkov Telescopes Array (CTA), DSA3 (Deep Space Antenna 3) and LLAMA (Long ).

The GARRA group headquarters is placed at the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia, at Berazategui, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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